What is holding you back with your network marketing business? Is it a lack of self-confidence?
I am going to give you one simple suggestion that will help you gain more self-confidence. It has really worked well for me.
When you are talking with someone, or when you meet someone for the first time? Where are your eyes? What are you looking at? Are you making eye contact?
Making eye contact is a sign of self-confidence. When your eyes are down, off to the side, or in other ways avoiding making contact with the person you are talking to, they are going to notice and most likely determine that you have little self-confidence.
A leader in the network marketing industry needs to project confidence in himself, or he will struggle with attracting people who would want to join him in his business.
Learning to look people in the eyes need not be a hard thing. Practice looking at their nose or look just above the eyes until you feel more comfortable with looking directly at their eyes. Look away occasionally so that it doesn't appear that you are staring at them, but maintain a lot of eye contact.
In time, you will feel more sure of yourself, and perhaps you will see your conversations be more productive!
- Roger Cox
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