Thursday, August 18, 2016

How to Conquer Obstacles and Challenges in Your Network Marketing Business

Obstacles and challenges will always be present in your network marketing business. As a network marketer, I am going to bet that there is something about your business that if you were to do more of it, or even do it at all, it would raise your business to the next level. But for whatever reason you don't do it, or you don't do enough of it, or you don't like to do it. So you don't do it.

Even old time network marketers probably have things in their businesses that they could improve upon, but they don't because there are obstacles and challenges that make them feel unconfortable.

How Conquering Obstacles and Challenges Changed Jeremy's Business

I would like to tell you a story about a very successful network marketer by the name of Jeremy Stansfield and how he was able to conquer one of his obstacles and challenges. In a interview, he related how an experience helped him to overcome a challenge that kept him from being as successful as he would like to have been.

Jeremy is a former carpet installer who was injured while he was installing carpet. He knew that his ability to bring in an income depended on him being physicaly able to work. 

Eventually Jeremy was introduced to a network marketing company, and he decided to work with that company to build a business that would enable him to have an income even though he was injured.

Jeremy is a very personable guy and was able to build a team of a number of associates. Much of his recruiting was done face-to-face or belly-to-belly, as they say. He was very good at talking with people and being able to relate with them.

One of his particular obstacles and challenges was talking to large groups of people, a common problem for a lot of us. Public speaking was not one of his better tools at the time. But because of his success, he was invited to be one of the speakers at a large event, and he accepted the offer.

There were a large number of his team members at the event, and there were a large number of other associates from other downlines also in attendance.

So here is what happened:

He came out on stage. The spotlights were focused on him. He saw the huge crowd gathered in front of him.

He opened his mouth to speak. Nothing came out of his mouth. He froze. The crowd waited in anticipation.

He turned around and walked off stage.

As he was walking backstage, he had a decision to make. A huge crowd of people had just seen him fail. His own team members had just seen him fail in front of a large crowd.

What was he going to say to them when he walked back into the audience and rejoined his team?

At that moment, he had a life-changing decision to make. It would have been a great time to quit. He had to decide if this experience was his quitting point.......or if he was going to make this a turning point.

He told the event organizers to give him another chance. He convinced them to book him as a speaker at the next event.

Today Jeremy Stansfield is an icon in his network marketing company. He consistently stays at the top of the rankings for income earners. AND he speaks often at large live events and conventions!

Jeremy took a weakness and turned it into a strength. His new strength increased his business multiple times.

There are going to be some things in YOUR business that currently you are not very good at, whether that be speaking to people, making presentations, creating videos of yourself, prospecting, or asking for the close. There will be some things that you are just not very good at, and that you just don't want to do.

You will have your own unique obstacles and challenges. The way around those obstacles is to confront them head on. Just begin doing the things that make you uncomfortable. Overcoming the obstacles and challenges will make you a better network marketer.

Of course, you will be bad at the beginning, but the more that you do those unconfortable actions, the better you will get at doing them. The time will come when other people will think that you have always been a natural speaker, video-maker, presenter, or whatever you struggle with doing right now.

Just man up and do it! Just start taking action, no matter how bad you think you are. Give it some time, and you will be surprised at what you will be able to accomplish!

PS: If you would like to learn more tips like this and how to market effectively online, you can find that here: 

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