Facebook marketers dream of using Facebook for business, but they would like to do it in such a manner that they are not spamming or taking the risk that they will be thrown into "FaceBook Jail."
As a Facebook marketer, you want to get as much exposure as you can. A private person may not want the world to know him; but as a business person, the more people that know you and your brand, the bigger your business will be.
Using Facebook for Business Tip for Promoting Products
You want people to know who you are and what you look like. You want to be the face of your product or industry. For example, if you market a weight-loss product, whenever your friends or contacts are talking about weight loss, you want YOUR name and face to come to their minds.
If you are using Facebook for business, you will want as many "likes, friends, and followers as you can get. When you write a post for Facebook, Facebook will serve your posts to only a small portion of your Facebook fans. Very few of your friends will actually see your post. Facebook has metrics that determine who gets to see what, unless you are paying for an ad. To get a large amount of the free exposure, you need a large base of Facebook fans.
One way to grow the size of your Facebook market is to find Facebook groups that are related to your product. You can do a search in the search bar in FaceBook to find those groups. For example, suppose you sell homemade lawn ornaments. You would do a Facebook search for lawn ornaments and request to join those groups.
Begin following those groups and notice the people who are commenting in those groups and notice what topics they are talking about. Contribute your own comments and valuable content as the opportunity presents itself.
But, DO NOT try to sell your product in those groups! You will come across as spamming the group, and the group members will just ignore your posts because they will consider you to be a spammer. Even worse, the administrators of that group will delete your posts, and you could even be banned from the group.
By the way, if you are interested in more ways to use Facebook for business, you will be interested in this offer!
Developing relationships with the group members is a much more friendly and productive method to use Facebook as a marketing tool. Offer meaningful comments in the public forums, and even go to the individual personal Facebook pages of some of the group members and get to know them. If you have the option, send them a personal message.
Most of the time those personal messages will go into a hidden "other inbox" unless you have been accepted as a friend. But you can still develop a friendship through the public comments in the group. When the time is right, then request to be a Facebook friend.
Once you are friends, you can talk about all kinds of topics on either your personal pages or through private message. You can even then talk about your homemade lawn ornaments and send pictures! Just don't talk about them on the group's page as that could get you in trouble.
Your goal is to become known as the "go to" guy or expert for your niche. If you are the lawn ornament expert, you want your new fans to think of you whenever they think about lawn ornaments or see lawn ornaments in the Home Depot store.
So that is my free FaceBook tip! If you hunger for more about using Facebook for business, be sure to check out my offers below and on the side of this post. You can also see more on my Facebook Page
Until next time!
- Roger Cox
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