Saturday, September 10, 2016

Entrepreneurial Mindset or Employee Mindset. Which Do You Have?

There are some of you that come into network marketing with an entrepreneurial mindset already. You may have already had some business experience or you have that natural inclination to be your own boss.

So you are used to taking charge. You see a need that is there and you just take care of it. Figuring it out on your own is something that just comes naturally to you.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset is Needed For Your Success

There are others that come into network marketing with an "employee" mindset. People with the employee mindset are used to having structure. They like job descriptions, schedules, predicable pay checks, and whatever training that is needed is provided by the employer. Everything that is needed for them to succeed in their job is given to them. They are not used to finding the resources that they need on their own.

The people with the entrepreneurial mindset take it upon themselves to solve any problems they encounter. They figure out the solution and they just fix the problem.

If employee-minded people don't have a strong sponsor or if they don't have an upline at all, they often times are at a loss as to what they should do. Many new network marketers have a sponsor that quit of have one that is weak on his training skills.

If you are one of those whose sponsor or upline isn't really in the picture, you will need to step out on your own. You are going to need to become entrepreneurial minded. If you have a problem, you are going to need to work through it and solve the problem yourself. That is what entrepreneurs do.

Not Entrepreneurial Minded? How Do You Become So?

So if you are in that situation where you don't know what to do and you have no one to train you, there are all kinds of training and resources online. You just need to seek them out and learn on your own. There are numerous podcasts and videos that very successful networkers create.

If there is no training available in your area, create your own training. If there are no meetings in your area that you can go to, start your own meetings and provide your own trainings. Invite others to join you and become a leader! Become a guiding force! Get your name and face out there so that people recogonize you as a leader and as someone who can give valuable leadership and training. Create whatever it is that you don't have.

Find the training that you need, pick it up and learn it on your own. And then....teach it to someone else! You can create your own videos and webinars or podcasts. Once you learn something, turn around and teach it! That is how  you really learn something!

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Bottom Line

The bottom line is that you are either entrepreneurial minded or you are employee minded. As a network marketer, you are going to need to become entrepreneurial minded. Because the time will come when you will need to solve problems or create what is missing on your own.

I hope that you enjoy this training. Please share it with your people and your organizations.

If you already have a business and would like to learn how to market your business online through the internet, touch base with me here.

But if you DON'T already have a business, I invite you to talk with me and I can show you what I am doing. If it is a fit for you, great! If not, you will at least learn how to evaluate other businesses. You want to get a good one!

PS: If you would like to learn more tips like this and how to market effectively online, you can find that here: 

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Free Facebook Training 77-Page PDF: Click here

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Additional Resources

Stand Out From the Crowd of Network Marketers
Put Down Fellow Network Marketers? Don't!
Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre
Todd Falcone Blog
Success Magazine

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