Self doubt and fear blocks a lot of new network marketers and even stops a lot of more experienced marketers. As they start doubting theirselves, they begin to doubt whether they have what it takes to be successful in network marketing.
And so they stop doing what it takes to be successful.
Self Doubt and Fear Starts Here
By the way, if you need some help in finding something that you can do, here is great training for getting started:
You may remember when you first started your network marketing career, someone presented the opportunity to you, and he painted this picture of what could be. He created this grand vision of the great things that you were going to be able to do, the money that you were going to make, and the lives that you were going to impact for good.
That vision was really exciting to you, and you bought into that vision. You got really excited and you bought your kit.
But have bought into the vision and your feelings, and emotions are running high. But deep down inside you are thinking "I will never be able to do that. This is beyond my capability."
However, you buy the kit anyway,and you start your business hoping that maybe something inside of you will change. But if that something DOESN'T change, that self doubt and fear is going to make you put that kit in the closet where you won't even touch it. Or you might try to do a little bit of work to test it out, but when you get your first bunch of rejections, you quit.
Self doubt and fear is very destructive, and it happens to almost all network marketers at some point in their network marketing career. So don't feel bad about it. Like I said, 80 to 90% of network marketers are going to struggle with self doubt.
How to Stop Self Doubt and Fear
Self doubt goes away when you start to do something. Remember when you started your business? You made your daily plan, your weekly plan, your monthly plan, your thirty day plan, your ninty day plan, and your long term plan. For each of those plans, you wrote down specific tasks that you were going to do to accomplish those goals.
Perhaps you were going to talk to two people per day or send out three emails per day. Whatever your plan was, hopefully you made a commitment to follow that plan.
So when self doubt begins to rear its ugly head, that is when you need to honor your commitments. If you committed to talk to two people a day, you need to honor that comittment. You need to decide that you are going to do "something." It doesn't really matter what that something is. It might be something really small.
Decide you are going to do something and then just do it. If you don't know how you are going to do it, just start somewhere. Start anywhere. It could be something small, like smiling at two people a day. Perhaps connecting with three people a day on Facebook could be a start.
The way to conquer your self doubt and fear is to stop doubting yourself. Stop doubting your own committment that you have made. If you have made a commitment, stop doubting that commitment and just do it. If you can't do the whole thing, do something. Do the first part of it. Do some small steps.
Because, in the long run, it doesn't really matter if you break that certain pin level or if you lose 15 pounds. What DOES matter is that you have started to do something to move you along to your goal. You have done the first step. And after you have done that first step, you can do the second step, and the third, and you can just continue progressing.
As you do one step, your self doubt fear will begin to fade away. Self doubt begins to go away when you begin to do something.
Get started and the magic happens!
PS: If you would like to learn more tips like this and how to market effectively online, you can find that here:
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Additional Resources
Stand Out From the Crowd of Network Marketers
Put Down Fellow Network Marketers? Don't!
Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre
Todd Falcone Blog
Success Magazine
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