Your success as a network marketer depends on the number of people that you can talk to. One of the objections we often times get when people don't want to do our business is "I don't know any people. I don't have any body that I can talk to."
It is true that you need to know enough people to talk to, but there are ways that you can get to know enough people to talk to. I am going to show you to make friends on Facebook to grow your business.
How To Make Friends On Facebook
First Step: How to Make Friends on Facebook
If you are using the desktop version of Facebook and are on the news feed view, there will be a menu panel on the left side of your screen. You will see things like Favorites, Pages, Groups, Apps, etc.Mouse over the "Groups" label and you will see an option to "see more." After clicking or tapping on that option, it will open up the groups page. From there you can search for groups that are related to almost every type of group that you can think of.
Find groups that are related to your interests and request to join those groups. Some of the groups will be open to the public and you can join those right away. Some will be closed and you will need to request to be added to the group.
Second Step: How to Make Friends on Facebook
Once you have been added to the group, look to see who the people are that are participating in that group. If you see a posting from someone that you really like or that you can relate to, you can click on their name and you can see their profile.Viewing the profile will help you to decide whether that person is someone that you would like to have as your friend. Look for potential friends, not for potential prospects! Your objective is to find new friends and increase your network. You are NOT looking for people to send your link to! That is spamming!
Third Step: How to Make Friends on Facebook
When you find someone that you would like to have as your friend, reply to their comment. Give them a compliment. Then include a short note saying that you have left them a private message.The reason for doing that is because if you just just click on their profile and request to be their friend, many people will ignore the request. They are careful about who they add as their friend.
And if you just send them a private message without already being connected to them, your post will end up in their "other" inbox, which they probably won't see as most people aren't even aware that such an inbox exists.
So the procedure is to reply to their comment, add a note to the comment that you will be sending them a private message, send them the private message, and then ask to be their friend. If you do that, they will more likely to accept your request.
Fourth Step: How To Make Friends on Facebook
Once you are Facebook friends, you can have conversations with them just as you would with your face-to-face friends. You can get to know them. Don't spam them with your products, opportunity, or links at this point! Just get to know them. Find out what they like, what they dislike, what is important to them.Have normal conversations with them and perhaps at some point, they will disclose a need or a want that you can address with your product or opportunity. Then it would be appropriate to make your offer, within the bounds of a normal conversation.
But don't make friends with people with the sole intent of prospecting them. Find people that you would like to be friends with even if they have no need or desire for your product.
Summary for How to Make Friends on Facebook
You find people through the Facebook groups, people that you would really like to have as a friend, then reply to one of their postings in the group. Be sure to tell them that you will be sending them a private message, and then request to be their friend.After that you develop the friendship just as you would with any other friend that you have. Only after you have uncovered a need or a want should you offer links, products, or your opportunity. Don't spam!
That is the way to increase the size of your network. Find new friends in Facebook groups and request to be their friend. When you have a large network of friends, there will be a percentage of them that will be open to your offer.
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PS: If you would like to learn more tips like this and how to market effectively online, you can find that here:
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Additional Resources
Reconnecting with Old Friends on FacebookStand Out From the Crowd of Network Marketers
Put Down Fellow Network Marketers? Don't!
Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre
Todd Falcone Blog
Success Magazine
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