Thursday, September 29, 2016

Avoid Trying to Make the Perfect Video

If your desire to  create the perfect video is keeping you from creating and posting videos online, this blog post is for you!

Today I am talking to those who are thinking about creating videos but are just not getting them online. For a lot of you, there are some reasons why you are not creating videos. One of those reasons is fear, or just being afraid to do it.

Many people think that everything has to be perfect with their video. When they mess up, they want to redo the video over and over again until they get it right.

If you do that, you are making it a lot harder than it needs to be! You just need to start doing them!

Trying to Create The Perfect Video Can Derail Your Business Growth

Is This Your Experience in Creating The Perfect Video?

This morning I was watching a video blog post that a fellow network marketer posted, and it teaches a great lesson.

She was one of those who is a perfectionist in regards to her videos. If something is not quite right, she will do it over and over again until it IS right.

One time her and her husband was getting ready to go somewhere, and they had 5 to 10 minutes before they actually had to leave. She thought that she could use that spare time to create a video before they left.

She started creating the video, but something wasn't quite right. It was not perfect. So she redid the video. This time there was something else that was not perfectly right. So she redid it again. And again.

Each time there was something wrong with the video, so she felt she had to redo the video. The five minute video session turned into an hour endeavor. And the final revision was STILL not perfect!

Forget About Creating the Perfect Video!

You really have to forget about being a perfectionist when you are creating a video. It is best just to begin the recording and just start talking!

If you wait until it is perfect, you are never going to get the video done.

In addition, there is an advantage to not having a perfect video. When people see you stumbling over words or doing goofy things on the video, they realize that they themselves don't have to be experts in order to create a video. They think, "Maybe even I could do that!"

Don't try to make it perfect. It doesn't matter if your hair is not perfectly styled or your lighting isn't good. You can be as goofy as you want on your videos, and people are going to think that you are authentic. You are just being who you are. People tend to trust those who they feel are being themselves.

So forget about having perfect videos. Just do them!

Just Create the Video By Being You!

One of the advantages of using Facebook Live is that you don't have any do-overs. Just push the record button and you're on! Then do whatever it is that you do. There is no rehearsal, it is quick and done.

People see you for who you really are. And it is okay to be nervous. It is okay to not be fluent and smooth in your video presentations.

The people that you are trying to reach are not really looking for smoothness and perfect videos. They are looking for ideas and content that will help them in their network marketing business.

And one of the things that will help your business the most is to get over your fear of doing videos. Just do them! Just do them.

Some people might think that you are pretty goofy and awkward in your videos, but others are going to think "I like this guy, he is just like me." Or "I like him, he is really down to earth and real!" You will gain the faith and trust of those people and they will listen to you when they would just skip over watching some smooth and polished presenter.

Summary For Avoid Trying To Make the Perfect Video

Be yourself. Do the videos. Don't worry about whether the video is perfect or not. Just do them and get them out there in the cyber world. Somebody is going to enjoy them!

Did you get value from this post on Avoid Trying to Make the Perfect Video? If so, consider commenting below and sharing it with your teams.

PS: If you would like to learn more tips like this and how to market effectively online, you can find that here: 

Contact Me at:

or at:

Health & Freedom with Roger Cox Facebook Page

Free Facebook Training 77-Page PDF: Click here

Avoid FaceBook Jail!

Additional Resources

Stand Out From the Crowd of Network Marketers

Entrepreneurial Mindset or Employee Mindset: Which Do You Have?

Put Down Fellow Network Marketers? Don't!

Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre

Todd Falcone Blog

Success Magazine

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Think Like a Business Owner If You Want to Succeed!

If you can think like a business owner, you are more likely to succeed in your network marketing business. However, there are some lessons in the employee/employer world that can help you with your entrepreneurial life.

During my many years of life, I have worked as am employee for an employer, and I have also worked many years as a network marketer. There are a couple types of people that I want to talk about that are common in both evironments. There are those who think like an employee, and there are those who think like a business owner. And there are a lot of people who fall between these two extremes.

Some Employees Think Like a Business Owner, Others Don't

I know people who are working for a minimum wage. Some of them give more than they get. They give their "all" to the job, doing more than what is expected of them, and they are always looking for ways to bring more value to their co-workers and to the job. They are a ball of fire, always looking to help somebody.

On the other extreme, we see people who are earning that same wage, but they are disgruntled about the wage that they are getting or the way that they are treated. So they do the very minimum, just enough that they don't get fired. They do what is required of them but that is about it.

And then you have all the people that fall in between those two extremes. All of us at different times in our lives have problably fallen into both of those two extremes. At times we give a lot of effort to our job and really try to provide value, and at other times we may be tired and give something considerably less than what we are capable of giving.

Generally, those who do give the extra value are more likely to be recognized as good employees, and they are the ones who usually get the raises and the promotions. When you do your job and then you help someone else, the person you help will remember that. Your employer may or may not be able to pay you more money, but your giving will be noticed.

You, As a Network Marketer, Need to Think Like a Business Owner

That same senario also happens in network marketing. Some people will start their network marketing business, give their all and act like good business owners. When they see something that needs to be done, they just do it. Giving value and working hard is just something that they do. You might say that they have taken ownership of their business.

Ownership means that if anything goes wrong, they take the responsibility for that failure. However, when things go right, they can also take the responsibilty for that as well. They have taken ownership. They do the very best that they can do to provide value with their network marketing business.

On the other hand, we sometimes see people come into the network marketing industry who start out working very hard, but then they begin to lessen their efforts. They do just the very minimum that is required or they don't do much at all.

Therefore their business doesn't grow very well at all. They don't attract new people into their business, and they don't gain new customers.

Your Job is to Think Like a Business Owner

As a network marketer, you have to take ownership of your business. You have to realize that if something needs to be done, then you are the one that needs to do it. Find some way to do whatever needs to be done.

How you treat your network marketing business is going to determine if you will be successful or not. If you think like a business owner and take full ownership of your business, you will work through the difficulties that you encounter and increase the size of your business. You will be responsible yourself for making sure that you get the training and support that you need. You won't be completely dependent on an upline to do it for you. There will be no waiting on the few people that you sponsored to begin producing and make you successful. You will take full ownership and do what needs to be done for your business.

Don't wait for things to happen!! MAKE things happen!!

PS: If you would like to learn more tips like this and how to market effectively online, you can find that here:

Contact Me at:

or at:

Health & Freedom with Roger Cox Facebook Page

Free Facebook Training 77-Page PDF: Click here

Avoid FaceBook Jail!

Additional Resources

Stand Out From the Crowd of Network Marketers

Entrepreneurial Mindset or Employee Mindset: Which Do You Have?

Put Down Fellow Network Marketers? Don't!

Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre

Todd Falcone Blog

Success Magazine

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

How to Make Friends on Facebook

Learning how to make friends on Facebook can significantly increase the size of your network marketing business.

Your success as a network marketer depends on the number of people that you can talk to. One of the objections we often times get when people don't want to do our business is "I don't know any people. I don't have any body that I can talk to."

It is true that you need to know enough people to talk to, but there are ways that you can get to know enough people to talk to. I am going to show you to make friends on Facebook to grow your business.

How To Make Friends On Facebook

First Step: How to Make Friends on Facebook

If you are using the desktop version of Facebook and are on the news feed view, there will be a menu panel on the left side of your screen. You will see things like Favorites, Pages, Groups, Apps, etc.

Mouse over the "Groups" label and you will see an option to "see more." After clicking or tapping on that option, it will open up the groups page. From there you can search for groups that are related to almost every type of group that you can think of.

Find groups that are related to your interests and request to join those groups. Some of the groups will be open to the public and you can join those right away. Some will be closed and you will need to request to be added to the group.

Second Step: How to Make Friends on Facebook

Once you have been added to the group, look to see who the people are that are participating in that group. If you see a posting from someone that you really like or that you can relate to, you can click on their name and you can see their profile.

Viewing the profile will help you to decide whether that person is someone that you would like to have as your friend. Look for potential friends, not for potential prospects! Your objective is to find new friends and increase your network. You are NOT looking for people to send your link to! That is spamming!

Third Step: How to Make Friends on Facebook

When you find someone that you would like to have as your friend, reply to their comment. Give them a compliment. Then include a short note saying that you have left them a private message.

The reason for doing that is because if you just just click on their profile and request to be their friend, many people will ignore the request. They are careful about who they add as their friend.

And if you just send them a private message without already being connected to them, your post will end up in their "other" inbox, which they probably won't see as most people aren't even aware that such an inbox exists.

So the procedure is to reply to their comment, add a note to the comment that you will be sending them a private message, send them the private message, and then ask to be their friend. If you do that, they will more likely to accept your request.

Fourth Step: How To Make Friends on Facebook

Once you are Facebook friends, you can have conversations with them just as you would with your face-to-face friends. You can get to know them. Don't spam them with your products, opportunity, or links at this point! Just get to know them. Find out what they like, what they dislike, what is important to them.

Have normal conversations with them and perhaps at some point, they will disclose a need or a want that you can address with your product or opportunity. Then it would be appropriate to make your offer, within the bounds of a normal conversation.

But don't make friends with people with the sole intent of prospecting them. Find people that you would like to be friends with even if they have no need or desire for your product.

Summary for How to Make Friends on Facebook

You find people through the Facebook groups, people that you would really like to have as a friend, then reply to one of their postings in the group. Be sure to tell them that you will be sending them a private message, and then request to be their friend.

After that you develop the friendship just as you would with any other friend that you have. Only after you have uncovered a need or a want should you offer links, products, or your opportunity. Don't spam!

That is the way to increase the size of your network. Find new friends in Facebook groups and request to be their friend. When you have a large network of friends, there will be a percentage of them that will be open to your offer.

Please share this blog post with your friends and let us promote network marketing in a fun and ethical way!

PS: If you would like to learn more tips like this and how to market effectively online, you can find that here:

Contact Me at:

or at:

Health & Freedom with Roger Cox Facebook Page

Free Facebook Training 77-Page PDF: Click here

Avoid FaceBook Jail!

Additional Resources

Reconnecting with Old Friends on Facebook

Stand Out From the Crowd of Network Marketers

Put Down Fellow Network Marketers? Don't!

Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre

Todd Falcone Blog

Success Magazine

Saturday, September 17, 2016

3 Tips For Blogging Success

These 3 tips for blogging success may explain why your video blog is not performing the way that you would like.

Perhaps you are just starting to do video blogging or perhaps you are currently doing blogging. Either way, there are some things that will help your blog to succeed. This video will explain three of the possible reasons that most video bloggers fail or the 3 tips for blogging success.

These Three Tips For Blogging Success May Help You

First of The Three Tips For Blogging Success

The first reason you may not be getting results is because of lack of consistency. You have to be consistent when you are doing video blogging. When people are searching the internet, and they find your video blog; if they like it, they are going to look for more content from you.

But if it has been 2 weeks, 3 weeks, a month, or six months since you have created a video, you will lose the momentum that your video has started. Your visitor will eventually forget about your single video, and that video becomes a flash in the pan.

So number one: you HAVE to be consistent! If you decide to create a video every day, or 3 times a week, or even once a week, commit to doing it. Be consistent. Over time you will build up a library of videos containing great content. If someone sees one of your videos and likes it, chances are he will look at your other videos as well.

Second of The Three Tips For Blogging Success

The second reason you may not be getting good results from your video blogging is because you may be talking too much about yourself, your company, or your products.

Other than a few people in your network, most people aren't really interested in you, your company, OR your products.

People are most interested in finding answers to the problems that they have. They are Googling for answers to skin problems or weight management. They usually aren't Googling you or your company. They want answers to their own problems.

Don't spend a lot of time on your videos talking about yourself or your products. Talk about how you can solve their problem. Instead of constantly talking about your weight loss product, for example, give them generic information about how to manage their weight. Give them enough value and you will become the weight loss expert. They will come to you and ask you for advice. Then you can introduce your product.

Third of The Three Tips For Blogging Success

The third reason you may not be getting good results from your video blogging is that you may have neglected to give a clear call to action. After you have given value in your video,  then you need to ask your viewers to do something. You have to guide them to give the reaction that you are looking for.

The call to action might be a request for them to visit your blog. Or the call to action might be for them to like or share your video with others. Many viewers will not do it on their own as they need to be prompted to react the way that you would like for them to.

 My call to action for you is to visit my blog at There you will find all my previous blog posts.

And if you have an interest in learning how to blog effectively, you will find links there that will introduce you to the system that I use for maketing online. This link will take you to the information that I use for learning how to do video blogs and more.

Also you will learn how to market yourself and how to work with all the social media platforms.

In summary, the three possible reasons for your video blog to fail are (1) lack of consistency, (2) not giving value, and (3) failure to give a clear call to action.

Go out and make it happen!

PS: If you would like to learn more tips like this and how to market effectively online, you can find that here:

Contact Me at:

or at:

Health & Freedom with Roger Cox Facebook Page

Free Facebook Training 77-Page PDF: Click here

Avoid FaceBook Jail!

Additional Resources

Stand Out From the Crowd of Network Marketers

How to Find Good Video Content For Your Blog

Put Down Fellow Network Marketers? Don't!

Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre

Todd Falcone Blog

Success Magazine

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Entrepreneurial Mindset or Employee Mindset. Which Do You Have?

There are some of you that come into network marketing with an entrepreneurial mindset already. You may have already had some business experience or you have that natural inclination to be your own boss.

So you are used to taking charge. You see a need that is there and you just take care of it. Figuring it out on your own is something that just comes naturally to you.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset is Needed For Your Success

There are others that come into network marketing with an "employee" mindset. People with the employee mindset are used to having structure. They like job descriptions, schedules, predicable pay checks, and whatever training that is needed is provided by the employer. Everything that is needed for them to succeed in their job is given to them. They are not used to finding the resources that they need on their own.

The people with the entrepreneurial mindset take it upon themselves to solve any problems they encounter. They figure out the solution and they just fix the problem.

If employee-minded people don't have a strong sponsor or if they don't have an upline at all, they often times are at a loss as to what they should do. Many new network marketers have a sponsor that quit of have one that is weak on his training skills.

If you are one of those whose sponsor or upline isn't really in the picture, you will need to step out on your own. You are going to need to become entrepreneurial minded. If you have a problem, you are going to need to work through it and solve the problem yourself. That is what entrepreneurs do.

Not Entrepreneurial Minded? How Do You Become So?

So if you are in that situation where you don't know what to do and you have no one to train you, there are all kinds of training and resources online. You just need to seek them out and learn on your own. There are numerous podcasts and videos that very successful networkers create.

If there is no training available in your area, create your own training. If there are no meetings in your area that you can go to, start your own meetings and provide your own trainings. Invite others to join you and become a leader! Become a guiding force! Get your name and face out there so that people recogonize you as a leader and as someone who can give valuable leadership and training. Create whatever it is that you don't have.

Find the training that you need, pick it up and learn it on your own. And then....teach it to someone else! You can create your own videos and webinars or podcasts. Once you learn something, turn around and teach it! That is how  you really learn something!

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Bottom Line

The bottom line is that you are either entrepreneurial minded or you are employee minded. As a network marketer, you are going to need to become entrepreneurial minded. Because the time will come when you will need to solve problems or create what is missing on your own.

I hope that you enjoy this training. Please share it with your people and your organizations.

If you already have a business and would like to learn how to market your business online through the internet, touch base with me here.

But if you DON'T already have a business, I invite you to talk with me and I can show you what I am doing. If it is a fit for you, great! If not, you will at least learn how to evaluate other businesses. You want to get a good one!

PS: If you would like to learn more tips like this and how to market effectively online, you can find that here: 

Contact Me at:

or at:

Health & Freedom with Roger Cox Facebook Page

Free Facebook Training 77-Page PDF: Click here

Avoid FaceBook Jail!

Additional Resources

Stand Out From the Crowd of Network Marketers
Put Down Fellow Network Marketers? Don't!
Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre
Todd Falcone Blog
Success Magazine

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Want Change? For Things to Change You Have to Change

Do you want change in your life or in your business? This is what Jim Rohn had to say about it:

"In order for things to change, YOU need to change!" - Jim Rohn

But how should we implement his counsel in our lives?

Want Change? A Couple Of Examples.

Recently I was talking with a co-worker of mine. We worked together at the same company for a number of years before I retired from there. We were just catching up on things that were going on in our lives and remembering events that happened during the time we worked together.

He is still working there, and he was telling me about how his days were going. He woke up every day at the same time, and followed the same routine in getting ready for work. He shaved and showered at the same time, ate breakfast at the same time, and even ate the same thing for breakfast. He would then take the same route to work.

At the job site, he did the same things every day, took a morning break at the same time, and ate his lunch at the same time and usually the same place.

When the work day was over, he took the same route home where he ate dinner and then settled in for the night, watching the same shows on the television. At the usual bedtime, he went to bed.

This routine was the same day after day. His life was a humdrum existence.

Want Change? Here Is What You Need to Do

If you want change or if you want things to change, you have to change. I tried to gently teach him that principle, but I am afraid that he was too conditioned to even attempt it. I tried to teach him that nothing is going to change unless he changes something. There has to be some sort of catalyst to initiate the change.

When I used to work full time, I remember many conversations at work. Actually, most of the conversations were complaints! We complained about the job, the work that we were doing, the hours that we worked, the pay that we were getting, and we also complained about the boss. We complained about a lot of things!

The truth is that there are things that we can do to change things. But too often, we get set in our ways, and we don't do anything to change. Unless we do something to change, nothing is going to change. In order for things to change, you have to change. Want change? Make a change!

Want Change in Your Network Marketing Business?

This principle applies to our network marketing businesses as well. As we get started in our network marketing business, a couple of things can happen. Often times we lack particular skills that we need in order to make our business a success. But we don't take the time to learn those skills or to implement them once they are learned. Or we continue to do the same things even when those things are not working very well for us.

At some point we need to step back and think about what more do we need to know, or need to do, in order to grow our network marketing business. What more do we need to do to move from the level that we currently on to the next level?

So we need to make some decisions. We need to look to see where we are lacking and make some changes. That might mean that we need more education or to learn some more skills.

In network marketing, you have to have some skills and you have to keep improving those skills. You can't just sit back and wait for people to contact you, but you need to learn the skills that will attract people to you and will lead them to join you in your business or purchase your product.

If you want change, you need to make the changes. Things won't change on their own.

So we learn a little bit, then we implement. We learn a little bit more, and we implement that. That is the way to build a successful network marketing business.

We can't wait for things to fall into our lap or wait for circumstances to change. Life just doesn't work that way. If you want change, you have to change.
We may need to change what we are doing, or we may even need to change who we basically are.

Want Change? Here Is An Easy First Step

If you already have your own network marketing business, but you would like to ramp up your skills a bit and get some training about doing online marketing, contact me through my Health and Freedom With Roger Cox Facebook page or through my email address at We can talk together about increasing your skills and learning how to have people come to you instead of you chasing them down.

If you DON'T already have a network marketing business but you would like to find one, again contact me either on my Facebook page or through my email address, and I can introduce you to the company that I work with. If it is a good fit for you, then we can work together.

If is not a good fit, you will at least gain the knowledge that will allow you to choose a good company.

I finish with the words of Jim Rohn: "In order for things to change, You need to change!"

PS: If you would like to learn more tips like this and how to market effectively online, you can find that here: 

Contact Me at:

or at:

Health & Freedom with Roger Cox Facebook Page

Free Facebook Training 77-Page PDF: Click here
Avoid FaceBook Jail!

Additional Resources

Stand Out From the Crowd of Network Marketers
Put Down Fellow Network Marketers? Don't!
Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre
Todd Falcone Blog
Success Magazine
Kay Somji Blog

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Self Doubt and Fear: How to Make It Go Away

Self doubt and fear is a curse that 80 to 90% of network marketers, especially new network marketers, will face.

Self doubt and fear blocks a lot of new network marketers and even stops a lot of more experienced marketers. As they start doubting theirselves, they begin to doubt whether they have what it takes to be successful in network marketing.

And so they stop doing what it takes to be successful.

Self Doubt and Fear Starts Here

The one big secret is this: Self doubt and fear begins to go away when you start to do....something! It doesn't really matter what it is that you start to do, but self doubt starts to go away when you start to do something.

By the way, if you need some help in finding something  that you can do, here is great training for getting started:

You may remember when you first started your network marketing career, someone presented the opportunity to you, and he painted this picture of what could be. He created this grand vision of the great things that you were going to be able to do, the money that you were going to make, and the lives that you were going to impact for good.

That vision was really exciting to you, and you bought into that vision. You got really excited and you bought your kit.

But have bought into the vision and your feelings, and emotions are running high. But deep down inside you are thinking "I will never be able to do that. This is beyond my capability."

However, you buy the kit anyway,and you start your business hoping that maybe something inside of you will change. But if that something DOESN'T change, that self doubt and fear is going to make you put that kit in the closet where you won't even touch it. Or you might try to do a little bit of work to test it out, but when you get your first bunch of rejections, you quit.

Self doubt and fear is very destructive, and it happens to almost all network marketers at some point in their network marketing career. So don't feel bad about it. Like I said, 80 to 90% of network marketers are going to struggle with self doubt.

How to Stop Self Doubt and Fear

Self doubt goes away when you start to do something. Remember when you started your business? You made your daily plan, your weekly plan, your monthly plan, your thirty day plan, your ninty day plan, and your long term plan. For each of those plans, you wrote down specific tasks that you were going to do to accomplish those goals.

Perhaps you were going to talk to two people per day or send out three emails per day. Whatever your plan was, hopefully you made a commitment to follow that plan.

So when self doubt begins to rear its ugly head, that is when you need to honor your commitments. If you committed to talk to two people a day, you need to honor that comittment. You need to decide that you are going to do "something." It doesn't really matter what that something is. It might be something really small.

Decide you are going to do something and then just do it. If you don't know how you are going to do it, just start somewhere. Start anywhere. It could be something small, like smiling at two people a day. Perhaps connecting with three people a day on Facebook could be a start.

The way to conquer your self doubt and fear is to stop doubting yourself. Stop doubting your own committment that you have made. If you have made a commitment, stop doubting that commitment and just do it. If you can't do the whole thing, do something. Do the first part of it. Do some small steps.

Because, in the long run, it doesn't really matter if you break that certain pin level or if you lose 15 pounds. What DOES matter is that you have started to do something to move you along to your goal. You have done the first step. And after you have done that first step, you can do the second step, and the third, and you can just continue progressing.

As you do one step, your self doubt fear will begin to fade away. Self doubt begins to go away when you begin to do something.

Get started and the magic happens!

PS: If you would like to learn more tips like this and how to market effectively online, you can find that here: 

Contact Me at:

or at:

Health & Freedom with Roger Cox Facebook Page

Free Facebook Training 77-Page PDF: Click here

Avoid FaceBook Jail!

Additional Resources

Stand Out From the Crowd of Network Marketers

Put Down Fellow Network Marketers? Don't!

Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre

Todd Falcone Blog

Success Magazine