Saturday, September 24, 2016

Think Like a Business Owner If You Want to Succeed!

If you can think like a business owner, you are more likely to succeed in your network marketing business. However, there are some lessons in the employee/employer world that can help you with your entrepreneurial life.

During my many years of life, I have worked as am employee for an employer, and I have also worked many years as a network marketer. There are a couple types of people that I want to talk about that are common in both evironments. There are those who think like an employee, and there are those who think like a business owner. And there are a lot of people who fall between these two extremes.

Some Employees Think Like a Business Owner, Others Don't

I know people who are working for a minimum wage. Some of them give more than they get. They give their "all" to the job, doing more than what is expected of them, and they are always looking for ways to bring more value to their co-workers and to the job. They are a ball of fire, always looking to help somebody.

On the other extreme, we see people who are earning that same wage, but they are disgruntled about the wage that they are getting or the way that they are treated. So they do the very minimum, just enough that they don't get fired. They do what is required of them but that is about it.

And then you have all the people that fall in between those two extremes. All of us at different times in our lives have problably fallen into both of those two extremes. At times we give a lot of effort to our job and really try to provide value, and at other times we may be tired and give something considerably less than what we are capable of giving.

Generally, those who do give the extra value are more likely to be recognized as good employees, and they are the ones who usually get the raises and the promotions. When you do your job and then you help someone else, the person you help will remember that. Your employer may or may not be able to pay you more money, but your giving will be noticed.

You, As a Network Marketer, Need to Think Like a Business Owner

That same senario also happens in network marketing. Some people will start their network marketing business, give their all and act like good business owners. When they see something that needs to be done, they just do it. Giving value and working hard is just something that they do. You might say that they have taken ownership of their business.

Ownership means that if anything goes wrong, they take the responsibility for that failure. However, when things go right, they can also take the responsibilty for that as well. They have taken ownership. They do the very best that they can do to provide value with their network marketing business.

On the other hand, we sometimes see people come into the network marketing industry who start out working very hard, but then they begin to lessen their efforts. They do just the very minimum that is required or they don't do much at all.

Therefore their business doesn't grow very well at all. They don't attract new people into their business, and they don't gain new customers.

Your Job is to Think Like a Business Owner

As a network marketer, you have to take ownership of your business. You have to realize that if something needs to be done, then you are the one that needs to do it. Find some way to do whatever needs to be done.

How you treat your network marketing business is going to determine if you will be successful or not. If you think like a business owner and take full ownership of your business, you will work through the difficulties that you encounter and increase the size of your business. You will be responsible yourself for making sure that you get the training and support that you need. You won't be completely dependent on an upline to do it for you. There will be no waiting on the few people that you sponsored to begin producing and make you successful. You will take full ownership and do what needs to be done for your business.

Don't wait for things to happen!! MAKE things happen!!

PS: If you would like to learn more tips like this and how to market effectively online, you can find that here:

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Additional Resources

Stand Out From the Crowd of Network Marketers

Entrepreneurial Mindset or Employee Mindset: Which Do You Have?

Put Down Fellow Network Marketers? Don't!

Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre

Todd Falcone Blog

Success Magazine

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