Monday, August 15, 2016

A Belief System Is Crucial For Your Network Marketing Business

Having a belief system consisting of empowering beliefs is a major factor into whether you will succeed or fail in your network marketing profession. There are many things that will determine your success, but if you don't have some fundamental beliefs, you will surely struggle with your network marketing business.

A Belief System Needs to Contain the Four Fundamental Beliefs

A strong belief in your company is the first belief that you must have. Whichever company you represent, you need to have a strong belief in that company. You need to believe strongly that your company is a good one, that it is ethical, that is legitimate, and you need to believe that it is going to be there when you need it.

If you don't have a solid belief in your company, you are going to have nagging doubt in your mind whenever you try to present your company to a prospect. It will hinder your ability to effectively communicate the reason why your prospect should consider your company. That doubt will also hinder you from doing the work necessary for you to build your business.

The second belief that you need to have in a belief system is a belief in the product. If you don't have a belief in your product, your result will be the same as not having a belief in your company. For example, if your product is a weight-loss product, and you don't have a strong belief that your product will work; you will find very little success in promoting that product. Your unbelief will be evident to your prospects, and they will no incentive to buy from you.

There is another important reason to have a strong fundamental belief in your company and in your product. When you come to a time in your business when you are feeling down and discouraged (and you WILL have those times!) and you don't have a strong enough belief in your company or product, you will not put forth the effort that is needed to survive the down time. At those times when you are tired and discouraged and you are questioning why you ever began a business, you will be tempted to quit. Not having a belief system will only multiply the temptation to quit.

An essential third belief in a belief system for network marketing is a belief in the network marketing industry as a whole. If you don't have a belief in the network marketing industry, your chances for success are very small.

When you are giving someone your presentation, and they ask you if this is network marketing; and you hestitate or if you fear that question or if you hedge your answer, they are going to feel that and wonder about the depth of your conviction for the network marketing industry.

You have got to have a belief in the network marketing profession! The first person that mocks you for being a network marketer is going to destroy your self-confidence and you will wilt right before their eyes!

You have got to have that strong belief in the network marketing profession or you are going to struggle.

The fourth crucial, fundamental empowering belief for your belief system is a belief in yourself. You can have a belief in your company, and in your product, and in the network marketing profession as a whole. But if you don't have a strong belief in yourself, none of those other beliefs matter. If you don't believe that YOU personally can succeed in your business, you will struggle tremendously!

You can do your business! I believe that almost everybody CAN do network marketing. The question is WILL they do network marketing? Some people are not willing to put forth the effort or to do what it takes to succeed in network marketing. They are not willing to put in the time to learn how to do network marketing or to learn how to develop a belief system.

How do you get an empowering belief in your company, in your products, in the network marketing profession, and in yourself? You get those beliefs by personal development. You get it by reading the books, by listening to the CDs and audio files. You get it by attending webinars and watching the videos, and by just spending some time just working on yourself and developing those beliefs.

Read the magazines and other literature that are available through your company.

Live Events and Conventions Will Help Build a Belief System

Attend the live events and conventions that your company provide. Your company's conventions will help build belief in all four of those areas where you need a solid belief. They will build your belief in the company and in the products by way of the stories and testamonies that your leaders will share.

They will develop your belief in the network marketing profession as you listen and learn how others have overcome tremendous odds and conditions and have built very succcessful lives through network marketing.

Finally, conventions will, if you let them, help build faith and belief in yourself. You will receive the training and the motivation that will give you the knowledge to build your network marketing business. It is then just a matter of sitting down with yourself and figuring out not only that you can do this business but also deciding if you ARE you going to do this business!

If it is a matter of not knowing how or not having the skills to build a business, there are resources for skill-building all over the internet. You just need to seek them out and then implement what you have learned.

In summary.....the beliefs in a belief system.....belief in your company, in your products, in the network marketing model, and in yourself is a major factor in building a successful business.

If you want to see the system that I use to gain the needed skills, check it out here:

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Additional Resources

Stand Out From the Crowd of Network Marketers

Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre

Success Magazine

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